
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the greatest Anime series ever produced, Written by Hirohiko Araki and brought to our screens by David Productions. Over 30 years, the series has managed to have an anime series (OVA), phantom blood film, and now the 'JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Anime series from 2012 - present. With a collective of 5 anime adapted parts, here is my opinion on who the top 3 best characters are.

Number 3. Robert E . O Speed Wagon

How can you make a characters list without including our favorite waifu Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Makes his first appearance in Phantom Blood and is last seen in Battle Tendency when he sadly dies at the age of 89 due to a heart attack? Throughout his life, he makes it a mission to help Jonathon defeat Dio and, once Jonathon passes, to protect Erina and the following Joestar's. Although he may have started as your ordinary 1800s street rat, his life soon changes after he is influenced by the gentlemanly Jonathon Joestar, finds oil in the desert, and creates the Speedwagon Foundation.

Even though Speedwagon passed away at the end of battle tendency, his lifelong mission to help the Joestar family is carried on by the workers of the Speedwagon Foundation. This helps the Joestar family to get out of narrow situations in the future and supply them with the things they need to end the curse of DIO. However, Speedwagon has the ability to go through his hat and expose a circular saw to stop his enemies, but it is never seen again. Overall, Speedwagon is one of the best and most helpful characters, which has had an everlasting impact on the Jojo arc.

Number 2. Yoshikage Kira

Yoshikage Kira is the main antagonist of part 4 - Diamond is unbreakable. After living a mostly unknown life in the town of Morioh his dark secret is initially revealed to Jotaro and Koichi, who are investigating the sudden death of Shigechi. Due to his sudden exposure to 'the good guys', Kira makes a last-ditch effort to survive and runs into Aya Tsuji's Salon and swaps his identity with Kosaku Kawajiri with the help of her stand, Cinderella. With his new identity, Kira tries to live out her life in a normal fashion but eventually gets discovered by Josuke once again and dies a tragic death of being hit by an ambulance.

From the start, this character interested me in his design, but his personality quickly entranced me, father. One of his main undoings was his extreme fetish for taking the hands of his victims and using them in his everyday life as if its a romantic partner (he is regularly seen cooking breakfast for the severed hand). I find it fascinating how he takes literal life or death gangers and tempts fate to try to get out of trouble, going to certain lengths like cutting off his own hand to escape Josuke. Another one of his loveable characteristics is his stand, Killer Queen, named after the popular song by the band" queen.

His stand, Killer Queen, has the ability to turn whatever it touches into a bomb and activate the bomb remotely by pressing its thumb down on its index finger, imitating a remote detonator. The killer queen has two attacks; a sheer heart attack and bites the dust, which allows Kira to release a heat-seeking bomb in the case of a sheer heart attack and creates a temporary loop in time.

Number 1. Guido Mista 

What more can I say? Its Mista. He is one of the key characters in Golden Wind and manages to be one of the last surviving gang members alongside Giorno. He joined the Mafia at a young age when Bucciarati used his influence to get Mista out of a 15-year sentence to jail and acquire the stand, sex pistols. Along with the rest of the gang, Mista's objective in the golden wind was to protect Trish and safely deliver her to the boss.

One of Mista's most relatable traits is tetraphobia, well for more that is. If you're not aware of what tetraphobia is, well, it is the fear of number 4, which resulted in him having a stand with 6 bodies skipping number 4, and gaining number 7. Another thing I love about this character is his can-do attitude and carefree outlook on life and Never looking back. I always like how the big arrow on his cape points to where his bullet will land, in the middle of your head.


So these are my top 3 JJBA characters and my personal opinions on them. I hope you enjoyed giving this a read.


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