
Showing posts from July, 2021


JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: My Top 3 Characters e JoJo 's Bizarre Adventure is one of the greatest Anime series ever produced, Written by Hirohiko Araki and brought to our screens by David Productions. Over 30 years, the series has managed to have an anime series (OVA), phantom blood film, and now the 'JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Anime series from 2012 - present. With a collective of 5 anime adapted parts, here is my opinion on who the top 3 best characters are. Number 3. Robert E . O Speed Wagon How can you make a characters list without including our favorite waifu Robert  E. O.  Speedwagon.  Makes his first appearance in Phantom Blood and is last seen in Battle Tendency when he sadly dies at the age of 89 due to a heart attack? Throughout his life, he makes it a mission to help Jonathon defeat Dio and, once Jonathon passes, to protect Erina and the following Joestar's. Although he may have started as your ordinary 1800s street rat, his life soon changes after he is in...